Waterproof Bluetooth Headphones

Helping Find The Right Set For You

About Me

Hi!  My name is Mike Cunningham and I'm a private consultant from Cleveland, Ohio.  As a music enthusiast, gadget freak and fairly active person, I found myself going through way too many pairs of headphones trying to find the right ones for my lifestyle.  I started this blog so I could help spare people the frustration I went through.  If your ideal set of headphones is Bluetooth, and also offers some level of moisture protection against sweat and water, hopefully this website can help you out! I'm going to be reviewing headphones that I've tried, as well as keep up with new technology.  Hopefully, I'll even be running some guest reviews soon so we can have a look at many of the options on the market. If you'd like to get in touch with me, you can email me at admin@waterproofbluetoothheadphones.com.


  • Fantastic website. In your experience, what do you suggest as the best set of bluetooth headphones for jetskiing? i.e. high speed and possibly high water saturation

    • I think most of the headphones I review would be good for high speeds, but how high water saturation are we talking? If you’ll basically be underwater from time to time, you might want to read my article on headphones for swimming.

  • excellent website man.  my dog just chewed up my s10HDs and i was considering replacing them wiht something else.  your site helped me realize i should just get more of the same…. and maybe this time keep them out of doggy reach.  Thanks again for the help your site provided.

  • Dan Eisenhart on November 9, 2012 at 2:55 pm said:


    Is it possible that the deeply discounted sets at amazon are somehow less than others (age, battery, returns).  I had one of these that crapped out after a week like lots of other people.  The manufacturer said there were seconds out there. 
    There are lots of negative reviews of the Philips unit. Do you think if you used it for more than a week for your initial review it would still be waterproof and have a functioning battery?
    I can't use earbuds and must have a unit that hooks over my ears to stay in. I couldn't tell from your review how the jlab go rides on the ear.  
    My experience with the Sony  is that it squeezes your head too tightly. 
    Thanks for hosting this site

    • I think they have to tell you if it’s a refurb or something, so no, I don’t think the deeply discounted ones on amazon are inferior. You raise an interesting point, though, and I’m sure to consider this in the future.  There are often quality control issues with certain companies, though. I guess I may have been lucky.

      The Motorola headphones I’ve been a fan of for a long time hook over the ear and sound good, as do the Arriva Leo I just reviewed.

  • Hi, have you checked out Plantronics Beat GO Active Edition? It claims to be sweatproof, but not sure how it functions against heavy rain and sweat. I got the original non-sweatproof version, and the sounds are great. Hope you would get a review of these headphones soon. ^^

    • I haven’t heard these, but I will definitely check them out and post a review if I get the chance. Thanks for posting!

  • Are you considering the motorola s11 hd?  i'd like to know what you think.  I was looking at them, and for the price tag, they look kind of flimsy… like my first plantronics mistake.

  • Hey,

    I’m currently looking for waterproof Bluetooth headphones so your site has been a great read for me. But I’m a bit unsure if the headphones you reviewed fit my scenario: I want to use them in the shower while my smartphone obviously should stay out. I don’t really want to get a waterproof iPod like you suggested but I also don’t have the connectivity problem someone would have while in a pool. There are Bluetooth speakers for the shower but I’d really prefer headphones.

    So I wondered if you had any suggestions. I’d be really thankful for any pointers!

    • Hi, Wayland! Right in the shower, huh? That’s actually quite a torrent and more than I’ve tested any of my headphones in, but FYI the Splashbudz, while not being my favorite set, ARE advertised as being shower-proof. Honestly, since showers typically don’t last very long, this might be the best use for Splashbudz, since I didn’t find them terribly comfortable for long term listening. Good luck, and let us know how it works out!

  • Hey, Mike! Really like the site, I hope you don't mind I stole some ideas (including which WordPress theme to use) for my blog, Hip Hop Headphones. Drop me a line, I'm interested in having you write some guest reviews, etc. I actually own a pair of the Arriva Leo I wear for jogging, and your review is pretty spot on!

  • Connor w on July 26, 2013 at 4:28 am said:


    Can I swim with the Arriva Leo headphones on? Because your website just says "waterproof" so does that mean like 3 hours of nonstop swimming a day? Or it can handle a little bit of rain?

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